Managing Pedigree Information
Currently, RosBREED's 12 demonstration breeders are using Pedimap to visualize breeding data across pedigrees (click here for more information regarding this software and to request a free copy). A presentation introducing Pedimap software was given at the 2010 American Society for Horticultural Science annual conference. The Pedimap user manual and Fruit Breedomics Booklet on Pedimap usage is also available at no cost.
Most recently, The Fruit Breedomics project has developed a comprehensive set of video trainings for using PediMap for breeding purposes.
Other Software
A series of online tools, the Breeders' Toolbox for Rosaceous Crops, is available on the Genome Database for Rosaceae (GDR) to assist Rosaceae breeders and geneticists in decision making for crosses, efficient use of DNA markes and dicovery of new trait-marker associations. It includes a useful tutorial and several online applications:
- GDR's Breeding Information Management Systems (BIMS)
- Pedimap Input File Generator
- Trait Locus Warehouse for browsing existing QTL information about a trait
- Marker Converter for marker development around target QTL
- Cross Assist for choosing optimal cross combinations
- Technology Portfolio for choosing DNA service providers
- Seedling Select new tool for estimating cost savings from using DNA-information for seedling selection
- Mass Efficiency Calculator for identifying the the most cost-efficient opportunities for incorporating DNA into selection decisions.
In addition, the Genome Database for Rosaceae also allows breeders to store breeding data to facilitate use of this database and its tools in decision making.
Third Party Breeding Software
Presence on this list does not imply endorsement of any product.
- Cyverse Integrated Breeding Platform (free)
- AgroBase Generation II
- E-Brida
- iBreedit
- Phenom Networks
- ABS Seed (formerly Seed Base)
- Prism