Shoot die back in pears due to fire blight. Photo: R. Bell, USDA-ARS
Causal Organism: Erwinia amylovora
Type: Bacteria
Plant Part Affected: All parts of the plant can be invaded and infected. Infected shoots, flowers, and fruits wilt, blacken, and die. Entire trees may be killed.
Crops Affected: Pear, Quince, Apple, and other pome fruits
Symptoms: Blossoms are among the first tissue to be noticeably infected in the spring and become blighted. Infected shoot tips wilt and display a “shepherd’s crook”, a hallmark of this disease. cankers can also develop on limbs, twigs, and tree trunks due to infection from wounds, pruning cuts, or even through lenticels. The disease may also move systemically throughout the plant from other points of infection.
Treatment: Copper, Antibiotics; Prune out infected areas and remove from orchard